Friday, 13 April 2012

What's in my Diabetes Bag?

Hi everyone, I must firstly apologise for my missing BLOG posts. Due to me finishing 6th Form soon, I have been revising and getting my coursework up to date like crazy and I'm afraid my BLOG has fallen by the wayside.

But I have had a few ideas for some posts, if any of you have any other ideas please comment but today I am going to talk about 'My Diabetes Pack/Bag' that I carry around with me as I have recently updated it and my bag is now shiny new :)

So first of all, here are some pictures of previous bags that I have used;

My first ever bag that I must have gotten close to when I was diagnosed is this one. Obviously it is now completely had it and is very dirty through usage. In this I kept my insulin pen, needles, test kit and lancets. I think the bag was actually meant to be for make-up but it served its purpose for many years. I also refuse to bin it which may annoy my mum, but it takes me back to the times when I was a bit unsure about Diabetes and when I was younger it also got the nickname of being my 'saftey blanket' for awhile too.

So after much persuasion I changed my diabetes bag to a semi-clear blue 'Impuse Make-up Bag'. Yes impulse as in the body spray brand. I got it one Christmas and thought it was a brilliant size to keep my Diabetes Necessities in it. In this bag I kept pretty much the same that is in my current bag apart from the little plastic pot for my used needles.

My current 'Diabetes Bag' is from Primark and is again a make-up bag aswel it even says on the front 'Make me gorgeous' but it does make much difference to's to keep me alive haha :)


As you will be able to see it is fully packed so what I keep in this are;
  • My Two Injection Pens- Novorapid and Levemir
  • 3-5 Micro-Fine 0.25 x 5mm Injection Needles (Both kept in the NovoNordisk case)
  • My BG tester
  • Keatones Test Strips
  • Normal BG Test Strips
  • 5-10 green lancets (BG) Also all kept in the case that the Tester came in :)
  • Little plastic pot for used injection needles or test strips ready to dispose of safely at home
  • Home Monitoring BG Diary- recently my readings have been a bit random so keeping a check on them in that.
  • Carb Content basic common foods (Nurse made me)
  • A pen to keep note in my diary
  • Body Volt dextrose 'Raspberry' Tablets
  • Glucogel in a little plastic bag (mine have the tendency for the lid to break off and leak and even ruined one of my friends coats so leave it in a plastic back just in case)
  • A Special K Chocolate and Raspberry Breakfast bar- hypo recovery or just a snack in case.
The Contents in my 'stash' :)
Obviously it is a lot to keep on my person at any one time but I'm into over sized handbags so it doesn't bother me much. I carry all of this because I'd rather have all my options open, so if I go out for an impromptu meal or drink I have the necessities. Even if I go to a friends house at least I know I have everything for any eventuality. It also helps because my friends know where everything is in case anything did happen to me :) I'm fairly cautious in this department of my life.

Anyway I hope you have enjoyed this post, sorry again for not really making any posts sooner. Any ideas are welcome in the comments and Thankyou for reading means alot to know people out there want to here about my life :) Annabelle xx

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